Monday, November 5, 2007


Amanda Valley said...

HaHa! I'm digging it...I know how you sucks. Boys are pretty smelly at times, and I really liked a lot that you chose to write about this during the Fire Write. I don't think you misinterpreted the assignment at all, in fact, I think you understood it better than any of us. We were asked to write about something that angered us at that moment. Yes, prompts were given. But who really thinks about those kinds of things all the time to the point there would be fresh anger ready to cook up at any moment?! Good job...boys suck! The End.

Amanda Valley said...

P.S. Sorry I didn't make it to the meeting weekly schedule is up on my blog if anyone wants to meet before Wed.!!

Amanda Valley said...
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Amanda Valley said...

Also...if you or anyone wans to meet today just give my cell a call (810) 955-9899.