Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Brittish Accents Aren't Always the Solution

I just thought I would share one of my papers that I wrote for a free write activity, its good:

It was a day like any other. I had walked into class, eager to learn and socialize with my peers. I took my normal seat inbetween my high school friend and my newer college friend and began to jabber on about different things that had occurred throughout my day. I would recieve some witty comments back, either at the expense of some unlucky soul in my current story, or at my own. But it didn't matter. I loved these two friends, smart ass comments and all. In fact, their smart comments and the witty repartee was the exact reason why earlier in that semester I had chosen to join these two people, as well as other fantastic students, in a group teach for our English 4790 class. The final presentation of the group project would not take place for weeks, but until then, I lovingly chose the seat between these two dear people, every class period.
It's hard to tell what began the downward spiral of the bond between my friends and I. It might have started on the one fateful day where I decided to be in the group with them. OR it might have been the day that a simple assignment was given to us, ending our friendship in a mess of one act plays, Brittish accents, grocery lists, and broken hearts.

I think thats all I'll write. My group knows what they did.

Minus Jen and Amanda. They're pretty cool.

That leaves only John and Drew who are uncool. Incase you have bad detective skills.


ruggermichigan3 said...

Sometimes British accents are not always the route to go also, someone who is American can always pretend to use a pretentious accent like to act smarter and to sound important.A lot of times we use different tones of voice to make a comic point. In other times we just sound dumb.

John C. said...

What a clever and creative little diddy you've written. I must say I am dying with curiosity to discover what sort of mischief these two brilliant group members/friends of yours should provoke. I suppose if I were inclined to speculate (which I'm not) I would say these two chums got to bantering on and on about how great it would be if the three of yee would work together on a multigenre text and just how swell it would be when it was presentation time if some unnamed member would have a diary written in a style that would resemble someone British bloke talking. Sadly, and much to the dismay of the two unnamed members the third unnamed member did not show on the much anticipated presentation day and thus the British dairy was nary heard by man or beast. After a difficult period of grief and depression the two unnamed members struggled to carry on the good name of their multigenre piece battling all the while through debilitating bouts of depression and crippling flashbacks of a kinder more innocent time when the group members three were all united as one powerful force set against the world in hopes of sculpting the minds of the doubters and the haters. But alas I will not pretend to know the situation nor will I venture so far as to speculate what could possibly have happened. My only wish is that you continue onward with this delightful tale.

John C. said...

And to answer your question posted on my blog about why a viking and a pilgrim wouldnt be friends I will encourage you to please read the following. If you dont you're eyes may or may not fall out of your head, land in your shoes and get squished betwixt yer toeses.

First we look to history. As drawn out int The famous treaty of copenhagen, after the great Viko-Pilgro war, the Vikings and Pilgrims agreed to never again be friends nor socialize in anyway with the other party. I find the subliminal friendship in the Snickers commercial to be somewhat offensive and honestly a bit repulsive and overly grotesque.

Socially speaking Vikings and Pilgrims have very different cultures (Vikings being the bloodthirsty killing robing raping looting and pillaging sort) while Pilgrims are much more whimpy and dopey (trying to sail across the Atlantic to escape stinky religious oppression only to be nearly thwarted by the savage, or not so savage depending on what book you might happen across, Indian terrorists). Fucking Squanto messed it all up though, bastard. Anyways I digress. Vikings have no common ground with Pilgrims and thus the level of bloodshed should the two be placed close proximity to each other i.e. a Studebaker, would be staggering and on whole uncalled for.

John C. said...

We had our meeting with our teacher on Monday. In short she didnt like any of our ideas. Jen and I are meeting again on Wednesday after at 3:30 It would be really great if you could be there.

Ashley Wallace said...

I really like this--can't believe you wrote it real quick in class!

Shannon said...

I must say, that little "skit" was one of the most entertaining things I've witnessed all year. Absolutely fabulous :D

and, P.S., I didn't hate everything the group came up with lol. I simply wanted you to branch out a little more :)

You guys will be great!