Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I really loved the group reintroduction, and have enjoyed reading some of the reintroduction blogs that people have been posting. So hey, maybe I will post one myself.
As you all probably know, my name is Lynley Culver. I was named after some girl that I've never met before, but I like to think that she's probably pretty cool. I'm the youngest child, one older brother and one older sister (she just had a baby!) My dad passed away from cancer a little over 6 months ago, although it feels like it happened yesterday. My mom's the most adorable woman on the face of the Earth.
Secondary education (english) is my major and spanish is my minor. Although no matter how many Spanish classes I take, Im confident that I will never actually know Spanish. NO BIEN. I plan on studying abroad in Chile one of these days (if days are equal to months/years.)
That's me...... TA DA!

1 comment:

John C. said...

Lets see, the Lynley that Lynley is named for. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what she was like and to see if she is anything like the fun loving, nonbritish diary writing, crazy little Lynley that stalks about Kalamazoo preying on innocent and unsuspecting young men. I would guess that Lynley #1 is much different than Lynley #2. I see her as being 7 feet tall with delicious big bird legs. Probably dressed like somekind of mix between a sasquatch pirate and a chip and dale entertainer (I maybe the only person alive able to picture that in my mind. But keep trying if you should see it I'm pretty sure you will have just achieved a state of Nirvana.) Her voice was a loud as Paul Bunyans and yet as soothing as fiber glass insulation. Lynley one never laughed at anything and probably kept a several volume diary all written in an accent that can only be read as British (what a magnificent triumph. A feat akin to the Rosetta stone). Lynley #1 had to endure the humiliation of having frequent nose bleeds which is something that used to haunt her dreams at night, along with the fanciful idea that Vikings and Pilgrims might one day ride in cars eating Snickers bars together in a tone of general merriment (which to her seemed quite terrifying and absurd). Lynely #1's first kiss came when she was 2 and she unwrapped her second Christmas present. Lynley #1's first real kiss came when she was 28 and fell asleep at her niece's tea party, a passerby thought her a scary but irresistibly compelling sleeping beauty and planted a good evening kiss (that meant to be a good morning I love you in a weird but not creepy sort of way kiss). It felt like chocolate silk and tasted of green and purple but wetter and with greater purpose. Unfortunately the passerby's gentle touch failed to wake Lynely #1 and thus a bit sheepishly he went on his way. By all accounts Lynely #1 had a charming life there was nothing she did in which she took especial pride and again nothing in which she was particularly ashamed of. She was neither a role model nor an outcast. A supermodel nor a charity case. She married a man who owned a reptilian petting zoo. Despite what you may think it was extremely popular at birthday parties (especially those turning 40 or older). He carried a typical name no $5 handle like you might think a girl such as Lynely #1 would attract, so common in fact I couldn't just now recall it if I should have to for some particular reason. Together they lived a relatively happy life, relatively. A few fights a few makeups a few long nights of passion, a few short nights of passion. You could say it was a normal life. And as you can see a life very much different from Lynely #2.