Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Handle and Barrel

(This is my poem for the Johnny C's Poetry Slam assignment. You're SUPPOSED to read it out LOUD. Not the same picture as John's, but similar.)

From the perspective of the gun:

Handle and Barrel

I’m just a tool. I don’t make the decisions.
I do what I’m told, what I’m built for.

I shoot.
I kill.
I murder.

But tell that to this man.
This man on the other side of my barrel, that can
Do all but cry when he looks at me dead on.

Part of me, the inside of me
Wants to turn, burn, rocket this bullet
Out and hear the churning and the roar
My settling of the score

I don’t want to kill.
But this is why I’m built.

Not to tell wrong from right
Day and light from dark and night.
I do what I’m told, what I’m built for.
Not one thing more.

I’ll work hard when the time is right.
Then get put back in my shallow desk drawer
Compile dust and try to remember the lives lost on my account.

But I wont remember.
I’m a tool. I don’t make the decisions.
I do what I'm told, what I’m built for.
Nothing more.

Original Poem

I just took my favorite lines from the "where Im from" poem and pieced it together. SO HERE YA GO:

I am from John Deer tractors
I'm from monsters under my bed.
Im from dandelions.
I'm from a squeaky screen door
That tells everyone in the house when Im home.
The cows are out.

Mixy matchy poetry...hatcha

I am not segregated
I am from a small town
Just four British kids
and one giant lion
He's close
He's very close.
Maybe he'll drop but
Not the scorn of my friends.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I really loved the group reintroduction, and have enjoyed reading some of the reintroduction blogs that people have been posting. So hey, maybe I will post one myself.
As you all probably know, my name is Lynley Culver. I was named after some girl that I've never met before, but I like to think that she's probably pretty cool. I'm the youngest child, one older brother and one older sister (she just had a baby!) My dad passed away from cancer a little over 6 months ago, although it feels like it happened yesterday. My mom's the most adorable woman on the face of the Earth.
Secondary education (english) is my major and spanish is my minor. Although no matter how many Spanish classes I take, Im confident that I will never actually know Spanish. NO BIEN. I plan on studying abroad in Chile one of these days (if days are equal to months/years.)
That's me...... TA DA!

Monday, November 5, 2007